Thursday, May 23, 2024

Study abroad intakes in Spain 2024

 Strolling through the lanes of the magnificent La Rambla boulevard and basking in the golden sunlight on the beaches of Malanga sounds exciting right? With its scenic beauty and world-class universities, it is no wonder that so many students across the globe want to study in Spain. Spain is one of the most popular countries in the world for overseas students to study, with over 80,000 students visiting its universities each year.

However, with its allure comes a broad range of universities and intake periods, so navigating the application process can seem a little intimidating. This is why we have curated this blog so you can gain comprehensive knowledge to start your academic journey in Spain this year. 

Understanding intake systems in Spain

Spanish universities usually have two intakes a year, in September and February, commonly known as spring and fall intake, in contrast to certain other nations that only have one intake. This gives you more options, but to make the most out of your application process, you need to understand the slight differences between each one.

Fall intake (September) 

Fall is the primary intake, attracting a majority of students (about 70%). Most of the students looking to study in Spain go for this intake because it aligns with the academic year in other countries along with the pleasant weather in Spain. However, you might also face fierce competition for available spots during this time due to its popularity. The application process for this intake includes two deadlines: 

Early June: For most applications, the desired deadline is early June. Applying early gives you a better chance of being accepted and a greater selection of program possibilities.

Early September (Late Deadline): Although this deadline offers a second chance to the students, a lot of study programs are filled by then.

Spring intake (February)

Students with varied academic calendars or those looking for a mid-year start can go for the spring intake. The application process for the same includes a single deadline in December. Compared to the fall intake, the competition might be less intense, but it could also limit the course options for people looking to study in Spain.

Choosing the right intake

The ideal intake for you depends on your academic background, program preferences, as well as level of comfort with competition. Here are a few things you should consider:

Academic alignment: The Fall intake provides a seamless transition if your present studies end close to September.

Program availability: Check the availability of your chosen program for the intake you have in mind.

Application confidence: You'll have more time to resolve any application-related concerns if you apply early (fall, early June deadline).

The complicated nature of the application process when it comes to studying in Spain can be challenging, particularly for first-time international applicants. Here’s where overseas education consultants come into play. These professionals are highly informed about the Spanish university system, including admission requirements, program specifications, and application deadlines. The overseas education consultants can help you gather the necessary paperwork and make sure your application complies with Spanish visa requirements for the selected intake.

Now that you have a better understanding of study abroad intakes in Spain, you can potentially use this information to navigate your application process. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your journey to Spain today!

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